Brandon is more than just a man of many talents; he takes pride in being craftsman of language who shapes words as a blacksmith molds iron. While the world offers a plethora of words to choose from, sometimes they just don't capture the essence of a thought or feeling. In such instances, Brandon forges new terms, sculpting them from the raw material of linguistic possibility.
Much like blacksmithing, the forging of words is a meticulous craft. It's not just about creating a new term; it's about filling a lexical gap, providing a way to express an idea or sentiment that was previously inexpressible. The coined words are not random amalgamations of letters; they are carefully designed to evoke specific meanings and emotions.
Why Forge Words?
Language is an evolving entity, constantly adapting and growing to fit the needs and experiences of its users. Traditional words can sometimes fall short, unable to capture the nuances of modern life. In these moments, the ability to create new words becomes not just an artistic endeavor, but also a form of social commentary, a way to better articulate the complexities of human experience.
Wordsmiths like Brandon do more than just enrich personal vocabularies; they contribute to the collective lexicon, offering fresh ways for people to communicate and understand one another. These new words have the potential to become an enduring part of the language, immortalized in dictionaries and passed down through generations.
So the next time you find yourself at a loss for words, remember that sometimes the word you're looking for doesn't exist yet. It's waiting to be forged.
Brandon's New Words
- cern (verb):
Definition: Root of "concern"
To have an interest in something, but not overly worried or anxious about it.
He is really cern(ed) about programming! Ask him anything, and he can likely give you the answer.
- combobulate [kuh m-bob-yuh-leyt] (verb):
Definition: to set strait or remove confusion
I will try to combobulate this mess the best I can
- gruntled (adjective):
Definition: Root of "disgruntled"
to be pleased, satisfied, or contented.
I like all of my employees as gruntled as possible! I am trying to reduce attrition.
- gurgitate (verb):
Definition: to swallow something for the first time
I must masticate this dinner before I can gurgitate it.
- member(ed) (verb):
Definition: Root of "dismembered"
To assemble or put back together.
He dropped the leggo sculpture and thought he would never get it membered again
- rupt(ed) (verb):
Definition: Root of "interrupted" or "erupted"
to break the silence or continuity, but not in a disruptive way.
He rupted the complete silence with a light joke and got everyone talking!
- shevelled (adjective):
Definition: Root of"dishevelled"
well-groomed, neat.
He looks more shevelled than usual. I think he got a new haircut.
- whelm(ed) (verb):
Definition: to be completely content in mind or feeling
to use just the right amount of force; not to much nor to little
John deals with stress with ease. He is always so whelmed.
The river flowed over the new dam as designed. The dam was whelmed with water
- whole-ass(ed):
Definition: to do something completely or over the top
the opposite of half-assed
I can tell he went whole-assed on this project. It looks GREAT!
"I have a love-hate relationship with the Oxford comma." - Brandon M. Trube
Discover the art of word forging with Brandon, a modern-day wordsmith. Delve into the meticulous craft of creating new words that fill the gaps in our evolving language. Learn why these coined terms are more than just random combinations of letters—they're a form of social commentary and an enduring legacy. Don't miss out on this journey through the fascinating world of lexical artistry. - Brandon M. Trube, Husband, Programmer, Trube Technologies, Fire & Iron MC, Anorak, Training Officer, KDØHTI, Sedgwick County Emergency Management, Blacksmith, Central States Metal Artisans, Lord, Dunans Castle, Minister, Santa Claus, Motorcycle Club, Emergency Communications, RACES, ACS, Yule, Odin, Jólfaðr, Sleipnir, Ravens, Huginn, Muninn, Reindeer, Workshop, North Pole, Web Design, Web Hosting, Software Development, Metalwork, Scottish Laird, Wedding Officiant, Christmas, Traditions, Norse Mythology, Community Service, Volunteer, Emergency Response,